Pilots are used to putting themselves...

 Posted on 5/26/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Pilots are used to putting themselves into dangerous situations on a
daily basis. That's their *job*. Doctors don't generally do that, and to
expect them to just dive in uniformly is patently unrealistic. One of the
primary emails I've gotten on this ep has been from medical health
professionals who say that when they're put in this kind of situation with
some patients, there *is* a momentary hesitation on many occasions. It's a
natural reaction. It happens. There's a quantum difference between the way
we *think* people should act, and the way they *do* act.

Re: the joke...it's another part of humanity. Any time there's a
disaster, after the initial shock has worn, off...jokes start to appear. I
suspect it's part of the way we try to bring large events down to a level
where we can deal with them. Yes, they're tasteless. But that's what we do.
Less than 4 weeks after the shuttle went down, there were jokes. It happens.
Hence, it's inclusion.

Humans are sometimes afraid. Or less pleasant or honorable than we would
imagine ourselves to be. We try to show both sides. This is not a universe
where humans are without blemish, or where everyone is willing to instantly
fling himself or herself into harm's way. It doesn't exist. Courage is
noteworthy because it is the exception, not the rule.
