Re: the Tom Skerrit TZ episode of...

 Posted on 1/1/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Re: the Tom Skerrit TZ episode of mine...ehhh...that was done when I was
on freelancer basis, and had no control to what happened to it after it was
turned in. I'd written it with a moral point to the story -- that the father
was doing to the son what was done to *him* when he was a kid, being too
possessive, closing off the kid's world -- so that he would come to understand

This, to me, was the Twilight Zone. Only after I turned it in, I
learned that Phil DeGuere (the exec producer) didn't *want* to do morality
tales because it was too Twilight Zone. (Go ahead, explain *that* one to me.)
So they yanked out the whole *point* of the damned story, which left the rest
toothless and without point, just an excercise in wish fulfillment for the
