Re: Favorite B5 lines

 Posted on 12/27/1994 by to

Everything that the character says is the writing; everything the
character does while saying it is the actor.

It's a funny kind of perception; I've now been at a number of cons
with the cast members, and invariably they get the questions of "How do
you create your character, how do you determine who the character is?", and
I get the overall story-arc questions...almost as if these characters had
existed outside, or were in the actors, and I stumbled upon them and put
them into this arc.

When asked this question at LosCon, Peter Jurasik gave his usual
answer, "I just say what they write for me to say." Which obviously is
a modest understatement; Peter breathes life into Londo and makes the
lines work. It's all synergy, I suppose....
