Actually, sadly, that was Londo's...

 Posted on 7/29/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Actually, sadly, that was Londo's first wife, who he was forced to
divorce later. Eventually I'll get into this.

Londo and Garibaldi really are two sides of the same coin, in some ways.
There's an odd friendship there, almost grudging; Londo had little to gain by
cheering up Garibaldi, except a drink perhaps, but that's what friends do.

Re: the XO and second going theory is that there's a First
Contact Protocol that doesn't currently exist because there's no need for it
in the present. No aliens yet. The Earth/Minbari War started with a botched
First Contact that nearly wiped out humanity. You don't want junior officers
anywhere even *near* the scene. You send your two best, who are trained in
FCP (which Sinclair referenced in "Soul Hunter," btw). If they die, they're
replaceable. Earth isn't.

Two really great quotes above, btw. We get some more nice ones in season
two, in the first two episodes. One is from Lincoln (a little bit about
saving or losing the last best hope of Earth), the second from Yeats (what
rough beast slouching toward Bethelehem, to be born).
