Whether or not Babylon 5 survives...

 Posted on 7/6/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Whether or not Babylon 5 survives past a second season...kinda depends on
the *ratings* in the second season, and we're not *in* the second season yet.
Many shows tend to take a while to find their audience; the first season or
two of "Picket Fences" was pretty much in the toilet, ratings-wise. But it

As for the recent batch of ratings...yeah, we've been clobbered by 1) the
NBA playoffs and finals, 2) OJ a little, and 3) the fact that this last month
has been all reruns. EVERY syndicated drama show has gotten clobbered this
past week in particular, and this month in general due to the basketball
games. We always do much better when (big surprise), we show new episodes. I
imagine that our ratings will go back up again when we start showing new ones
this week, and now that the NBA games are over, and stations stop bumping,
delaying, or getting rolled over by other stations.

Re: Michael York...there were some unofficial conversations with York,
but nothing has ever come of them. This is ONLY a rumor, and does not have
any likelihood at this time of being anything more than a rumor.
