Note to the above: I most emphatically...

 Posted on 6/2/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Note to the above: I most emphatically didn't work on the V series; I
thought it was awful for the most part, except for the mini-series that
launched it. (We didn't call it V2 for nothing, he said.) I wrote a new 4-
hour miniseries that was to have launched a revived syndicated series closer
in intent and theme to the original minseries. It proved too expensive for
the syndication market, however, and was never produced (though the first 3
acts are in one of the libraries hereabout).

Only marginally appropos to the preceding...I lurk on a lot of BBS
systems, regional and national, 'cause I find that my presence being known can
affect the discussion, and it's nice to have a "control group," or two, for
lack of a better term. And I'm amazed at the amount of misinformation out
there, preceded by "JMS said...."

There's "Joe said a homeworld would be destroyed in the cliffhanger,"
which I didn't say; "Joe said that the Minbari change sex," which I never
said, and was only implied by our casting initially a female to play a male
character. It was sorta assumed, and became accepted, but it was never said.
(Going with this is, "Joe never referred to Delennin the pilot as "she."
Which isn't correct; a tech calls to Sinclair and tells him Delenn wants to
see him. "She's in the garden," the tech says.)

There's the rumor that Sinclair left the show, and I'm trying to cover my
ass (we have options on all our cast, sorry)...the rumor that Michael was
fired for bad acting (which is easily enough resolved: we will be shooting a
scene in the next few weeks with Sinclair, which will show up *midway* through
the first season, and will lay down the foundation for more in the future,
something you don't do if it's "bad acting").

I'm not dismayed, just astonished; it's like the ultimate game of
telephone, with lots of people wanting to be the *first* to give some kind of
information, backing it up with vague sources, or attributing them to JMS
comments that were never made.

I would love, someday, to diagram all this stuff out and just watch the
progression of it all....

Anyway, just woolgathering in-between the religious discussions....
