Re: "Believers" is insulting.

 Posted on 5/1/1994 by to

You base a great deal of your thesis on the comparison between B5 and
the US, noting that the US can "exert tremendous influence" on other
countries through economics and other areas, such as technology.

You still don't understand that B5 is *NOT* the US; we are at or near
the bottom or the totem pole in terms of the Big 5 in the B5 Advisory
Council. B5 is a gathering place, neither more, nor less than that. You
seem to be taking the position that B5 should become the galaxy's
morality policeperson. We don't have the power to back it up, or frankly,
the moral highground from which to dictate it.

And just who is the "ahem" group to whom you refer but don't name?
Is there a problem with speaking honestly, and instead using asides and

Hardly seems the moral thing to do.
