We'll see where it ends up next...

 Posted on 9/20/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

We'll see where it ends up next year. After Ron picked up the Emmy and
returned to the table, amidst much oohing and aahing of the prize, he leaned
over to me and quoted an old English saying: "Start the way you mean to carry
on." We'd gotten one; now we have to carry on at the same level.

I've seen Ron's surprises for the series, and I can virtually guarantee
that he'll pick up another nomination next year, and very likely the Emmy as
well. I'd be very much surprised if we didn't get nominations in costuming,
makeup, art direction and cinematography (especially for "And the Sky Full of
Stars," which is just remarkable looking on every level). Series, writing,
acting, directing...nobody bets on those unless he wants to look like a fool.
I have hopes, but we'll see.
