What Ron points out is something...

 Posted on 9/15/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

What Ron points out is something that I very much want from the B5
series: to start arguments (or at least discussions).

It's the difference between an episode with a Moral at the end that says
"We're all people and we should get along better and play nice," and is gone a
moment later...or something that provokes a real discussion marked primarily
by greys. (And if someone hasn't figured out the prior moral by now, a quick
TV show ain't gonna do it.) The two sides to the question Ron raises are both
right, both correct. At least in their own minds, and one can make a case
that they're right on a much larger scale.
It's all dependent upon what actually happens to the soul...and on THAT one
you can weigh in on all kinds of sides.

Many of our stories are like that. We raise an issue within a dramatic
context, and we deal with that dramatic context. There isn't a loose thread
hanging. But we open some questions that can be, and we hope will be
continued after the show is over. David Gerrold's "Believers" definitely
falls in this category.
