What we did with the uniforms was...

 Posted on 8/28/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

What we did with the uniforms was to toughen them up a bit. We took the
basic class-A uniform we used on the pilot, and retailored them for a better
fit. Then we added leather to the right front panel, quite a bit of it
actually, from the middle of the chest about three-quarters of the way to the
arm. Then replaced the waist section/belt, cuffs, collar and epaulets with
leather. (The blue class-A's got brown leather; the olive class-A's got black
leather.) We added burnished bronze clasps, rank insignia, and a REALLY cool
Earth Alliance belt-clasp to the base of the jacket. I personally think it's
very attractive, and had my original class-A from the pilot (yes, I paid to
have one made for myself) altered to the new "look."
