I'd be hard pressed to say whichg...

 Posted on 8/25/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I'd be hard pressed to say whichg the best work, because they're *all*
doing wonderfully. The makeup on Andreas is much more fluid, more skin-like
this time around, so he can do a lot more with it than he could in the pilot.
All of our ambassadors are doing great...Delenn is very mysterious, exotic,
and Londo is...well...LONDO. He's often right over the top, but it works.
(It's part of our perverse logic on the show that the first person to end up
in bed with a member of the opposite sex isn't our Commander, but Londo, who
gets involved with a Centauri dancer.)

Claudia has settled nicely into the role, with this great edge to her
performance. Pessimistic, fatalistic, occasionally sarcastic, but in a funny
way...that can turn right around and tear your heart out. Michael and Jerry
are, of course, a hoot to watch.

During the con appearance, Jerry told a story that *I* hadn't heard
before. There's a scene in the script "Midnight on the Firing Line" in which
Talia (Andrea) goes into a transport tube, finds Garibaldi, and asks some
questions about Ivanova. They rehearsed it several times, this being Andrea's
first time on the set, and filmed one take. She comes down the hall, comes to
thepen...and Garibaldi's pants are down around his ankles. Needless to say,
that shot did NOT end up in dailies....

There are days I think -- between Jerry, Harlan, me and some others
involved on the show -- we ought to name this Loose Cannon Productions....
