To explain, when we were discussing...

 Posted on 7/16/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

To explain, when we were discussing this, it was only intended as an
occasional thing to do, and not as a gimmick. Our feeling is that we can get
any number of good, solid actors for our shows. We will always cast the best
person suited for the job. In among these, the thought occured that there are
a few performers (to stick with that for the moment) who are solid actors, not
necessarily known for one role, who have worked in SF who people might like to
see used in a different kind of role.

The worst thing in this town is a little thing called "stereotyping."
It's the reason people like Shatner and Nimoy and Koenig and others couldn't
get work after Trek...everybody said, "Oh, he's too well known as the guy with
the ears," and here's an actor who has given to the genre, who has helped
create a marvelous show...and he can't get work. This happens a lot more than
you might think. And it seems to me that we kind of owe an obligation to
these people, who were actors long before,and long after, they played X on Y

We would never have an actor come onto B5 and do a character from another
show; or even anything close to it. Our universe is our universe, period.
But to say, "No, you shouldn't use that actor because he was X character in Y
series," is, to my mind...cruel. If he created a great performance, it means
he's a quality actor. So let's find the one or two who fans of the genre
would like to see again, in a very different kind of role -- since we can't do
a lot of this -- and give them a chance to show what they can do in a very
different sort of role.

If B5 has a debt to fans of the genre, it also has a debt to those who
came before. And I will not allow it to tamper with the B5 universe, I will
not let it become a gimmick...but if I can use this show to repay, just a
little, that debt, then I'm happy to do so. It seems to me a simple
