I don't think there is a bibliography...

 Posted on 12/26/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I don't think there is a bibliography contained in any message here, or
for that matter, anywhere. It would be just a major pain in the butt to
compile...there's been a lot of published/produced work, and it's scattered
all over the place. I'm not even sure if it's 100% do-able, since there are
copies of things I've lost or misplaced over the years (I've had something
like 500 articles published, as one example, and I've always tried to get and
keep copies of them, but I know there are some holes in the collection where
copies didn't come through.)

Let's deal with B5 first, meanwhile, before we even begin talkilng (or
talking) about what follows.

Re: a vacation...I've taken exactly two in my whole life. Both entailed
trips to England, the latter with a few weeks also spent in Ireland. Both
times I promised to leave the writing at home. And both times I ended up
secretly purchasing small spiral-bound notebooks and scribbling down ideas and
stories...I outlined sections of my second novel in bathroomverunit wouldn't
know I was writing when I said I wouldn't, and I outlined a full length (2
act) play while I was over in Ireland (and, alas, haven't been able to find
the notes since returning; I'm sure it's around here somewhere).
