Ron: one crisis at a time, please....

 Posted on 11/23/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Ron: one crisis at a time, please....

Jeff: in large part, the question of timing is outside of our control or
influence. Here is the situation: we are part of a new network. That network
requires shows. We were initially on tap to be one of the first two shows out
of the gate (they work in two-hour blocks of shows per night, that's the
deal). But in a way, we fell victim to our own dreams...what we were
promising seemed *so* impossible to do for television that we were asked to
prove that it could be done at ALL, let alone done well, before a series
commitment would be made. As a result, two other shows went into the two
available slots to be first out of the gate.

Meanwhile, we went on to try and prove our point, that a show on this
scale *could* be done. And we not only delivered to Warners what we promised,
we delivered more, and we delivered better.

Only now here's the catch...that one night of programming that the
network was to begin airing, the two hours, are set. So now what do they do
with us? Basically, you have two options: 1) Remove one show from the lineup,
or 2) open up a second night of programming. Just one problem; you can't open
up a second night of programming with just one show, you need two. I'm sure
there are other options that I've missed, but those are the two biggest.

It isn't like an established network which can drop you in on any night
of the week. This is a new concern, like the Fox network in its early days,
and we have to adjust. Once the decision is made about how this is going to
be done, and how soon, is something that will have to wait for a general
announcement. (Would a second night start in the summer, for instance, or the
fall? That would depend in large part on how fast the stations wanted to gear
up, and how fast the second program for that night could get into production.)

All I'm saying is that there are a LOT of factors at work here, and
though it looks obscure from the outside, it all makes sense from in here, and
believe it or not, it's all very positive. And I hope to not only say more,
but be *very specific* about it all in a couple of weeks. At that point, I
should be able to answer any and all questions about timing without, as you
say, "equivocation."
