Correct on the two points above....

 Posted on 11/20/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Correct on the two points above. The creature they used, which they
nicknamed "Bad Bob" (they refers to the prosthetics guys) appears in about two
seconds of the show, same with the other critter you see, neither of them
speaking, just background stuff. And here, that came to be what the promo was
ABOUT, implying that's what the SHOW was about. It basically ignored the
*show* in deference to playing with toys.

I've tried overall to leave the media guys alone, just let them wander,
go where they will. We have nothing to hide and everything to be proud of.
Then someone goes off on this's very discouraging, and I'm going to
have to seriously rethink this approach.
