Thanks, Joe. Glad you're enjoying...

 Posted on 6/8/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Thanks, Joe. Glad you're enjoying it.

Joe...hmm...that reminds me....

I've never been real big on formality. And I know that typing
Straczynski can be a fearsome thing indeed. Fingers were never meant to move
in that particular configuration, I think, and more than one person has had to
dial 911 with his nose when his fingers tangled on the keyboard.

Point being..."Joe" is just fine. If there's another Joe in a thread (as
above), "Mr. S." is is also fine if you need to make the distinction. (One or
two have called me Big S. Some comment that I'm the biggest S in town...and I
wish they wouldn't smile quite so broadly when they say it, or hold it quite
so long.)

In any event, we're all in this together, so I think we can let formality
