Okay...since SOMEone here is monitoring...

 Posted on 4/27/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Okay...since SOMEone here is monitoring this topic for Creation, and
since SOMEone high up in Creation is such a weasel as to blame one of his
employees for *my* bushwacking said unwitting employee on the air, when it was
NOT his fault, let me make something perfectly clear:

The person who showed up on my show is not at fault. He came in and I
lit a firecracker under him NOT for anything that he had done, but for the
problems that I and others have had with those running Creation; probably the
same weasel who's now upset about all this.

Our last-minute guest that evening knew nothing of this, and did a
commendable job defending what would be hard for ANYone to defend. He
defended Creation well, indicated that while there had been problems in the
past, those were all now history, and spoke well of his bosses and indicated
that all the problems had been dealt with and things would go swimmingly in

He did an admirable job for someone who didn't know he was going to get
hit upside the head with a ball-bat. I'm not sure *I* would have done as good
a job under those circumstances. (And I suppose it was less than mature of me
to have gone on here at such length about it.)

Point being that our last-minute guest did a fine job, under very
difficult circumstances, should NOT be penalized for it, and if certain
weasels were to a) mind their own business, b) develop a sense of humor, and
c) run a convention properly (as they will in future, I hear), these
situations wouldn't arise in the first place.

And this ESPECIALLY goes for the weasel(s) monitoring this topic and
running off to Creation with it.

Ain't like this topic contains anything top-secret...the radio show is
heard from as far south as San Diego, and as far north as Bakersfield, so I
fail to see the point.

(All of which just confirms the rightness of my decision not to take B5
to Creation.)
