The point about (for lack of a better...

 Posted on 4/23/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

The point about (for lack of a better term, clumsy as this is) role
models is well taken. And too detailed for a quick answer. Let me just try
to answer by saying this...I have always believed that televison must be used
*responsibly*. (Note: individuals determine what is responsible; as soon as a
committee decides it, I'm out of the business.)

Mark Twain said, "If you would have your work last forever -- forever
usually being considered to be fifty years -- it must neither overtly preach
nor overtly teach...but if MUST CO-vertly preach and CO-vertly teach." This
is a thread that has *always* run through my work. It's there in almost

It was never my intent that B5 should be just an action show. It should
be a metaphor, and a goal, and a instrument to challenge as well
as to entertain. Otherwise, quite frankly, what the hell's the point?

Having come out of New Jersey myself -- Newark, to be precise -- I got
out by having role models and examples of people who strove to become more
than their environment promised they could become. First it was guys in the
Boys Club who kept me off the streets and out of trouble; then teachers; then -
- when I began to feel the words -- certain writers, Harlan first among them.
I fully understand what those individual inspirations can they can
be the flashpoint that ignites another vision.

Having also come out of a fractured family life, you can be sure that
that aspect will also come into play at times.

The point being...wait. Watch. And over time, as the stories continue,
I think that your concerns will be addressed.
