Whew...okay, let's see....

 Posted on 4/10/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Whew...okay, let's see....

That we're going to see the bathroom on B5 is not news, I've mentioned
that before. Insofar as the ships are concerned, what I'm referring to,
however vaguely, is the *look* of the ships, design elements and the like.
Once Ron said it, it was so absolutely obvious an omission that we knew it was

As for clothes...you have to divide those into two different areas:
clothes for the B5 human regulars, and those on everybody else.

Yes, there will be an assortment of clothes for the former, and some for
the latter as well. I'm leaning in the direction of really kickass uniforms,
punctuated by more casual, almost civilian clothing.

As for the alien stuff...we're looking now at a costume designer who has
come up with some *astonishing* new techniques not just for design, but for
the fabrics used. There's one fabric she's developed that -- how do I
describe this? -- it's not any color you recognize. It's very much affected
by lighting, and folding, but it's *not* that very reflective, shimmery crap
you tend to see...it's very subtle and subdued and your eye just sorta slides
right off it. It's really the most alien looking stuff I've ever seen...as if
someone said, "We've just discovered a new color," and somebody asked you to
describe it after looking at it.

It's fairly expensive, and difficult to produce in quantity, so it'll
probably be used sparingly, as highlights in most cases, and occasionally in
larger sections or whole costumes. There will be, overall, a good use of
color and design, in some cases taking our cue from the protective coloration
nature gives out freely (but which we'll have to pay for).

I should be getting some preliminary costume sketches around the end of
the month, and should be able to discuss this in more detail at that time.
(At least, as much detail as I can chance.)
