Thanks, all. One note about a preceding...

 Posted on 4/6/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Thanks, all. One note about a preceding message...I've indicated that
I'm *not* looking for specific ideas from outside, for the very legal reasons
you mention. Rather, this is an area kind of used for airing ideas about
technology, and music, and sound, and EFX, sort of a roundtable bull session.
Once or twice someone has suggested a specific idea or story, and I've had to
put on my Harsh Producer's Hat and step in fast. And within that context,
the discussions have proven *very* useful in airing what fans of the genre
want, don't want, and what technical and scientific points require addressing.

Which is rather like a conversation I had this evening with the well
known writer of SF and other forms who has agreed to work on the B5 series as
Creative Consultant. (Not the movie, the series, just to clarify.) I
outlined, over dinner, the broad strokes of the 5-year storyline, with some
elements that *no* one has heard before, not even my associates on the show.
And I got a but when, once discussed, were absolutely right and brilliant
suggestions...and added a whole new layer to the project.

With luck, I'll be able to announce the identity of the Creative
Consultant before year's end. I just don't want to announce the name until we
have money flowing and the series is in production and so on. Suffice to say
that those who know me may also know this writer as well.
