No, those times aren't accurate....

 Posted on 2/29/1992 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

No, those times aren't accurate. Our *firm* airdate for the movie is
November 17, 1992. That has been agreed upon by all parties, and was part of
the announcement in NY the other week. Which means some of the sales guys
either aren't getting the latest info, or something's getting distorted/lost
in the translation. I'll double back with the Warners distribution people to
look into this.

We're looking into various forms of making the image of the show
technologically different, and some 3D aspect has been considered. The
technology is there now for some fairly subtle stuff that doesn't require
glasses or anything of the sort. Although the movie is too early, we're
giving some thought to shooting the series for HDTV, but again that's well
down the road.
