Re: So, I'm thinking about buying a lap-top

 Posted on 9/22/2004 by to

Re:'s the thing of it.

Just about everyone I've ever known who has had a mac -- I'm talking friends
here or co-workers -- has had problems with them. They seem to spend an
inordinate amount of time sending their systems in to be fixed, usually after
downloading an upgrade that suddenly disables half their system.

Of the five I know currently who have macs, including the most recent
powerbooks, EVERY ONE of them has had to send their system in to be worked on,
or had the system glitch badly after updating. Every. One.

Bashing's the truth.


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)