Re: Gore's speech re civil liberty

 Posted on 11/23/2003 by to

>Gore's platform included more gun control. Gun control
>violates the Second Amendment, which guarantees the Right to Keep and
>Bear Arms, which is indeed a civil liberty.

Let's be more specific. What it actually says is:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

First, the rights invoked refer specifically to "a well regulated militia."
Anti-gun law advocates tend to omit that part of the sentence out, as you did
just above.

Second, most of what's been advocated is simple gun registration, which dose
not interfere itself with the ability to keep and bear arms.

Third, bear in mind that some of the Al Qaeda docs that surfaced during the
campaign refer to the fact that those working inside the US should purchase
guns legally, not buy them off the street, because they're so easy to obtain
here. The resultant theory is that good gun registration laws could help to
prevent the use of such guns by, say, terrorists.

But the administration is too busy prying into your choice of books at the
library to look into who's buying weapons that can, oh, I dunno...kill people.


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permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
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