Re: ATTN: JMS - New "V"?

 Posted on 6/12/2003 by to

>Not to bring up old memories, but since that's what you did in your
>expansion; i.e., dig deeper into the characters, etc. how strange does
>this sound coming from Johnson, and what is your reaction to his

It's certainly the approach I would take in his position, and did when I did my
script. But by the same token, if someone were bringing back a show that I'd
created, I'd much prefer to be the one writing it than use somebody else's

So I think it's great, he's certainly in the position to do a great job with
it, and I say good luck.


(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)