Re: ATT: jms Why do you oppose a war agaist Iraq?

 Posted on 1/28/2003 by to

Of course, the whole irony of this discussion, in light of recent events -- and
when the topic turns to guns the whole thing basically devolves from that point
on -- is that the current administration, for the alleged sake of combatting
terrorism, has surveyed libraries to find out who's been checking out what (16%
of the National Librarian's Association report having been contacted and
provided information), who's taken pilot courses, who's taken scuba courses
(with one school refusing to turn over its records), but not one inquiry into
who's buying what guns, even though guns are more likely to be used in a
terrorist attack than library books or scuba gear.

Not advocating anything here, just pointing out the contradiction....


(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)