Re: JMS: Can we have a...

 Posted on 1/8/2003 by to

>It's really an incredible story, IMHO. I don't know how you continue
>to tell such powerful, moving, and insightful stories, but we're all
>clearly better for it. Do you ever get emotionally burnt out from all
>the passion you clearly put into your writing?

Yeah, I do. I tend to operate under the theory that unless you feel something
while you're writing, it's impossible to make the audience feel something upon
seeing it. So in the actual course of writing a scene, or a story, I wind
myself up to whatever emotions I'm describing...usually by putting myself in a
similar place, using past experiences from my own life.

There were times on B5 when I was so whipped from the emotional roller coaster
of the show's story, not to mention the production requirements, that I was
just staggering under it...they used to just sort of point me from one place
where I was supposed to be, to the next.

I think it's necessary to burn brightly when you write. I also know it takes a
whopping big chunk out of you in return. But I don't know any other way to do


(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)