Re: MY problem with 16:9 - Not CGI

 Posted on 12/11/2002 by to

>Obviously, the reason for this is that the show's directors at the time
>wanted to frame the image to look good in 4:3... but now that we have the
>wider 16:9, these directorial choices stand out like sore thumbs.

I think that's a fair criticism, and one we made ourselves a bit later, around
season 2 or 3. We set up a screening at Pacific Video, our post house, for an
episode in wide, and saw that our directors had been hewing too closely to the
4:3 ratio. So we told them to be more aggressive, and use the full frame more
in later episodes. So this problem does get ameliorated a bit down the road.


(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)