Why the *Trek* bashing?

 Posted on 10/10/2000 by jmsatb5@aol.com to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated

Let me set the record straight on something.

There is no such thing as B5 fans bashing Star Trek.

There are only Star Trek fans, or former fans, who find in B5 what they did not
find or wish they could find in ST.

There are many ST fans who have never watched an episode of B5 (but many of
whom bash the show).

There are, however, VERY few if ANY B5 fans who have never seen Star Trek.
They all have a background in Trek and have opinions about that show, good, bad
and indifferent.

If B5 fans had never seen any Trek and were bashing, that'd be one thing, and a
justifiable concern.

But it simply doesn't wash in reality.

This isn't a B5 problem. It's a ST problem. Many of the criticisms being
leveled against ST by those who've grown up watching it were being made even
BEFORE B5 came along...it's just that there was nothing at the time to which
they could compare and contrast.

Now there is...and now it's labled "B5 bashing ST" when it's really nothing of
the kind.


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synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
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