Attn JMS: Crusade's Music

 Posted on 9/22/2000 by to

The thing about musical tastes is that they are remarkably subjective, and very
viscerally expressed. That was certainly the case here.

It's a sound unlike what most people were used to hearing, and Evan had never
previously done a soundtrack, so you had a different sound mixed with the
process of finding the moments in a drama, and for some folks, that was
difficult. I think Evan went from strength to strength as he worked out what
the process was.

Some liked it, some didn't, and I'm okay with that. I wanted to experiment.
Too often, people say they want something different, then when you give it to
them, they say they want what they had before. Nothing wrong with that, just
pointing it out.

Personally, I liked the majority of what he did for the show, and I would make
the same decision again. You *have* to experiment and try different things,
and risk failing, or you stultify and dry up and die creatively.


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