ATTN JMS: Question on clothing

 Posted on 7/4/2000 by to

>Anyway, one person said
>the costume designer made those decisions. You would have approved it but it
>would be that person (Anne Bruice Aling?) who actually decided it.

No, the executive producer proposes, the staff disposes.

Each season, I'd sit down with Anne and go over what was coming for the season.
In Londo's case, I'd tell her that we're going to take Londo a little darker,
so we need to give him a more serious, darker look; I'd tell the prosthetics
guys to start streamlining his hair, make him sleeker, more serious.

Anne would come back with designs, I'd approve one or the other, and she'd go
from there. We did this for ALL the characters.

That was how the show ran.


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