JMS Schedule-Gallifrey? Fiona?

 Posted on 2/14/2000 by to

>I suspect that Toronto Trek would *love*
>to invite you as well -- and probably already have. (Yes, I know, it's got
>the T-word in its name, but they are good people, and like to get the
>writers as well the actors to the convention.)

Yes, I've been contacted multiple times by them, and you're right, they're
good, and remarkably patient/persistent people. But I kinda set this rule not
to do cons with the word Trek in the title, because I tend to get grief from a
portion of the Trek fans who think I'm "poaching" on their terrain. Since this
can, at times, become quite...intense...on their part, I'd rather not get into
the situation to begin with.


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