Racing the Night

 Posted on 8/8/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Graham Smith <> asks:
> But it begs the question, "How long do you keep being polite when
> there are billions of lives at stake?"

"I disliked the actions of the EA strip mining the planet at the
expense of the people living there, and liked Gideons solution to it.
But it begs the question, "How long do you keep being polite when there
are billions of lives at stake?"
"That's the potential of the arc that has been set up here. As time
passes, the EA is going to be under more and more pressure to find a
cure by any means possible. That may mean by violent means at times.
This will mean conflicts between the members of the IA and even
conflicts within the EA itself."


As Eilerson said, "Wouldn't you sacrifice a hundred Narns to
save Earth?" It was a question Gideon didn't answer.
