The Long Road - Ratings

 Posted on 6/18/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Peter Kazmir <> asks:
> Do you know what the ratings were for The Long Road?
> Do you know where one can get them without pestering you?

We got a 1.4 on The Long Road, which from what we're being told
was down because of being up against the first night of the NBA Finals;
the East Coast was down as a result, so the numbers dropped even though
they were about right for the west coast. And the demographics are
great. (Everything on TNT's lineup and elsewhere got hit by the
Finals, and of all that, we got hit generally the least of everyone.)

Interestingly enough, I just got a note from one of the people
at SPACE, the Canadian channel carrying Crusade, and he says that the
ratings on WarZone *doubled* the usual B5 ratings (which were very good
to start with).
