Re: IMage Laserdisks

 Posted on 1/5/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Re: Lyta in SiL...okay, if they mentioned Lyta, I'd get nailed
for not mentioning Na'Toth...or Sinclair...or Keffer...or somebody
else. You can't do five minutes of roll call in a TV show. That would
be deadly. They each picked one character to name, because they had a
close relationship in some way with that character. Who among them
really had a close relationship with Lyta? Name me that person. (Not
directed at you, just generally.)

Had Zack been there, then yeah, maybe he would've named Lyta (or
not, given what happens with her later). THAT would have been
appropriate. But it would NOT have been appropriate to have her named
just because somebody wants to hear her name called.

The persons named were ones to whom they had an emotional
attachment... Vir to Londo, Garibaldi to G'Kar, Ivanova to Marcus,
Sheridan to Londo, Delenn to Lennier. Lyta did not have that
connection to anyone at that table that would be on an equal footing.
