UK B5 Screening Now Free

 Posted on 6/1/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

The London screening of "In the Beginning" late in July was
always intended to be a free screening. When I learned that twenty
pounds and more was being charged per ticket for a free screening, I
and Warner Bros. got into this situation, causing a bit of a stir with
the organizers who insisted that this was the way it was supposed to
be, first trying to fob off the money as being for the actors, then
saying that WB wanted the money.

Well, WB has just confirmed the following: the Wolf con
organizers have been taken out of the loop; the screening is now free,
as it was intended to be; any monies paid will be refunded; and
tentatively, Bruce has agreed to stop by one or both of the screenings
without cost to the fans (this last bit depending on his
schedule/arrival times in the UK).

This event was always meant to be free to the UK fans as
recognition for their support. And now it is what it was meant to be.
