The Story Line

 Posted on 2/1/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Dave Latorre <> asks:
> How do you keep things straight with so many threads and
> characters over the course of the full arc? Babylon 5 has a
> Cannon, but how does a written document account for
> plot/character shifts over the years? Perhaps you have a vast
> story board of post-it slips and yarn connecting push-pins to
> keep things straight?!?

"How do you keep things straight with so many threads and characters
over the course of the full arc? Babylon 5 has a Cannon, but how does
a written document account for plot/character shifts over the years?
Perhaps you have a vast story board of post-it slips and yarn
connecting push-pins to keep things straight?!?"

This may sound kinda scary, but aside from my original notes, I
keep it all in my head.
