CC Situation

 Posted on 10/8/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

I will confess that there are momets when I'll be looking at an
outside script with multiple names on it, and think, "It took TWO of
you to write this?"

I think the reliance on big writing staffs is an error. It
leads to the frequent creation of little "pocket universes" where each
staffer has kind of his vision or version of the show, and because it's
political at that level, nobody wants to step on anybody else's
toes...and you get a very uneven show, where everyone's also pulling at
everybody else's script, and delays result.

The best shows of the past tended to have one writer/producer or
one story editor at the core of it, not big writing teams.
