Re: ATTN JMS: Question regarding a 6th season

 Posted on 9/29/1997 by to

I didn't say it would be difficult to turn down doing a 6th season, but
that the situation would *be* difficult. Obviously, their first choice
would be to have me do it...but just as obviously I don't want to do a
sixth season, 'cause the story ends in 5, and even TNT has been actively
promoting S5 as the last season of B5. Now, in theory, WB could do B5
without me, since they own the copyright, and that would be the last bullet
in their gun if I got real difficult about it.

The only other option would be to do a "Tales from Babylon 5" sixth
season, which would be an anthology series, to all intents and purposes,
using our characters almost like a repertory group.

But we'll's still a long way off, and as Ted Kennedy once said,
we'll drive off that bridge when we come to it.
