TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/3/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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No, the fault was mine, not the suits.

Prior to exec producing B5, I had never edited a show before,
never had final cut before...had never even been IN an editing room for
more than 5 minutes before. So here I am, given the director's
cut...and I know it's real slow, but I haven't done this before, so I
don't trust my instincts. I let it go with very minimal changes.

And I've been kicking myself ever since. I should've followed
my instincts, but instead I deferred to the director's cut.

It's a mistake I have never made since.

Even so, that first cut just gnaws at me...I *know* I can make
it better, stronger, even if only a bit in a few places, that would
help salve my soul over this thing.
