
 Posted on 3/31/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Do you have anyone to research before the final script?
> Have there been any major errors in continuity?
> Or will you not tell if there were?

No, I kinda have to keep it all in my head. Nobody knows the
show more than I do, so a researcher wouldn't work. So far, in 3
years, I don't think there have been any real continuity goofs.



 Posted on 4/2/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

"do you run your scrips by others? IOW, do you make sure that it will
all make sense to others?"

You must understand several things. First, there's no one else
on a writing side to *run* things past here. There's just me. I *am*
the writing staff this season (which will probably not be quite the
same next season, if I can find the right people).

The other thing is that writing is really a solitary business.
There's the impression that in TV, stories get whomped around and
mushed up by some faceless committee. While this is true in some
cases, it isn't true in all cases. David Kelley's scripts are his
scripts. Steve Bochco's scripts are his scripts. My scripts are my
scripts. If I don't know my craft well enough to know whether or not
it'll make sense to others, I should get out of the business

As soon as I finish writing the script, alone, it goes right
into production.
