Guest Editorial

 Posted on 6/17/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Richard M. Perry <> asks:
> (they even gave a picture of him) The question posed was, "What
> makes someone a fan of science fiction?"

Actually, I'd more or less forgotten having done the article,
and then when I remembered having done it after your comment, took me a
while to remember what the heck I'd said. (This is why I'm a terrible
liar, and thus stick almost exclusively to the truth...I ain't smart
enough to be a very good liar.)


The question was one that I get a lot, and I finally decided to
redefine the question and attack it from my own perspective. I'm glad
it came out reasonably coherent.

And as for being a fan...yeah, that about covers it. This is a
show for fans, by fans. Which is why it works.


Guest Editorial

 Posted on 7/1/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Richard M. Perry <> asks:
> There are generally two questions I get that are on this level:
> "Why do you like *that* stuff?" (after answering "yes" to "You
> really like that stuff, don't you?") and "Why are you involved
> with Boy Scouts?" On a somwhat related note, did you happen to get
> the Kingdom Come limited edition slipcover? Whose will be done?

Exactly. And the question is phrased to put you on the
defensive when there is *nothing* one needs to be defensive's "how long have you been beating your wife?" You have to
redefine the question to something a tad closer to reality.

Re: the Kingdom Come ltd., I didn't know about
that. Will definitely go out and pick it up next chance I get; that
was one of the few series I read this year, and I liked it a lot.
