JMS would never ruin B5

 Posted on 1/20/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

There are continuing references to B5 in the series...we just
finished shooting one last week that brought the Excalibur to B5
itself, in fact.


JMS would never ruin B5

 Posted on 1/21/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

VISITORS FROM DOWN THE STREET is a very funny and very unusual
episode that kind of puts the conventions on their head...and for
another reason, which I won't even comment on for now, because it kinda
has to be seen to be appreciated.


JMS would never ruin B5

 Posted on 1/22/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Graham Smith <> asks:
> A visit to the old homestead?
> How much of an increase has been necessary to allow for the
> continuing requirements of new sets for the locations in Crusade?

There was a slight increase in budget for Crusade, but all in it
averages out to only about $20,000 per episode. We're still mainly
doing things smart, not expensive.


JMS would never ruin B5

 Posted on 1/25/1999 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

T.P.Chai <> asks:
> does that mean you had to rebuild B5 sets?

"does that mean you had to rebuild B5 sets?"

No, we still have the lion's share of the main ones available to
