
 Posted on 12/14/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Since the question of what's coming up in the next batch of episodes has
arisen, I thought I'd go through and, while avoiding spoilers as much as
possible, give some glimpses into what's yet to come.

This list is for the new episodes beginning in late January through the
end of February, in order.

"Voices of Authority" - Earth begins tightening the screws on the folks
at B5 to try and exert more control there. Steps are taken to help prepare
for the shadow conflict. (Here, again, the "shadow war" means both the
obvious, and the more subtle conflict brewing at home; it's description and
metaphor.) The White Star voyages to some territory not seen since the first
episode, Ivanova helms the ship, a major dramatic turning point is reached,
and there is the single funniest scene in probably the series to date. A
strong arc story.

"Exogenesis" - The last non-arc episode for some time. Puts Dr.
Franklin and Marcus together investigating some odd happenings in DownBelow
that may indicate some kind of alien influence. Does, however, introduce a
thread that will play out over time.

"Dust To Dust" - Looks like a non-arc episode initially, but by the end
it has a strong effect on the overall storyline, and makes some permanent
changes in one of our characters. Combines Bester, the telepathic-assault
drug Dust, weapons dealers, and brings to a head a major part of the
G'Kar/Londo thread.

"Messages From Earth" - This begins the three-episode min-arc within the
larger arc that, by its conclusion, totally changes the structure of the B5
universe. A mega-wham episode. Because so much comes to a head so quickly,
little can be said about it without spoiling stuff. Our characters begin
making the final and irrevocable steps that will put them on a collision
course with everything they have believed in until now. There are four or
five episodes this season that push the limits of our effects and CGI to the
absolute wall; this is one of the biggest.

"Point of No Return" - The same, but moreso. Internal strife threatens
to tear apart the command structure of B5. The Nightwatch thread comes to a
crisis point. And Majel Barrett Roddenberry guest-stars in a B-story
involving Londo's destiny.



 Posted on 4/1/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

I don't know what the situation is, but will inquire.



 Posted on 1/30/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

George Gillburg/CA <> asks:
> Is this change permanent?
> Or is this even anything you have any control over?

I think the preview now is actually between acts 3 and 4.
