JMS: Are you pulling a "Star

 Posted on 2/24/1994 by to

I answered you elsewhere here on this topic earlier this evening. To
just nit for a moment, to say that Sinclair picks up "every derelict
ship" seems a little unfair...he's picked up *one*, and only one, and
only picks up one this entire season. Why him? A) Because he's good at
it, B) he could use the flight pay, C) it'll look good on his record, and
D) because as he says as he leaves, it's a potential first-contact
situation. (NOt to mention E, that he has a death-wish.)

I would submit to you that this is NOT the same as having one
character do a zillion different jobs on the station. I think that you're
reacting to something you've seen on Trek, and are assuming based on an
example of one that we're doing it in B5 as well. We're not. Also, in
"Purple," Garibaldi sends a different team out to handle the gunfire, so
there are others who do things. Question becomes, how many new and
recurring characters do you want to introduce? There are currently *14*
regular and recurring characters on B5, and there are many folks who are
saying that's too many. As it is, we do introduce an aide to Garibaldi
who takes care of some stuff for him. Just as Sinclair delegates to
Ivanova, and Ivanova delegates to the observation dome techs.

I just feel that you're leaping to a conclusion based on a paucity of
evidence, built upon your experiences with another show. We're simply not
doing this.
