Rich...ah, there you are. Wondered...

 Posted on 9/11/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Rich...ah, there you are. Wondered when you'd show up.

Here's one of those interesting little things that happen sometimes
during production. We're shooting "Believers," David Gerrold's story. Now,
when we break for lunch, we all eat together -- crew, cast, writers,
producers, everybody -- in this little area behind the stage. I try to
encourage everybody to stick around for lunch rather than split so that we can
maintain that sense of being a real unit.

Anyway, I'm sitting across from someone I've seen on set a few times,
who's apparently the teacher for a young actor we're using (Jonathon Kaplan)
in "Believers." I don't make a big deal out of my position on the show, dress
like everybody else, so the guy sitting across from me at the table asks, "So,
who do you play in this?"

Unable to resist the temptation, I say, "I play the executive producer."

The fellow on the other side of the table was Rich, who has now seen
behind the scenes of one of our episodes...what I think will be a very
powerful and moving episode. So Rich, you're welcome to post your thoughts on
the week...with a few caveats: the location is secret, for obvious reasons,
and obviously the story is classified.
